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5 Tips for Working From Home

Work From Home

If you’re used to going into the office every day, working remotely can be a major shift not only in your physical workspace, but also in your mindset. You may no longer have the tools or structures in place that typically help you stay on track.

But there’s no reason to feel overwhelmed or stressed! We’re here to help you reclaim your productivity, organize your day and stay sane while working from home. Take a look at our 5 favorite tips for remote working.

1. Find a Dedicated Space

Whether you have a full home office or the corner of a kitchen table, find a space that you can dedicate specifically to work. This can help you set boundaries between your work and personal life.

Know that when you sit in this space, you’re focused on your job. When you walk away from your desk, let go of any lingering thoughts of emails, to-do’s and deadlines. We recommend not working in your bedroom or any room you go to relax, in order to maintain a work/life balance.

2. Stay Connected

Communication is even more important when working from home. Connect virtually or by phone with your co-workers to stay up-to-date on projects and guidelines, since face-to-face communication may no longer be an option.

Also, make sure to communicate with family, friends and roommates. Let them know when you’ll be in meetings, when you’ll have flexible time to help with homework, and when you need to chat or bounce ideas off of them. This lets them now when you’re available and when you need time to focus.

3. Choose the Right Tools

When working from home, you may not have access to the same tools you had while in the office. To help you keep track of notes, lists and reminders, Quartet offers a range of desktop dry-erase products.

Write out all of your ideas and get creative with the way you organize your office and desk. Whether you need to track weekly meetings and checklists, or you’re just looking to reduce your sticky note usage, you can find the right desktop tools that work for you.

4. Keep Track of Time

Time sometimes seems to move at a different pace when we’re not in the office. The work day and your off hours may tend to overlap more than usual when working from home, which can lead to burnout.

To help get your day back on track, try to stick to a set working schedule whenever possible. Don’t forget to take your lunch or breaks and try to stay away from your email when you’re off the clock.

5. Get Moving

Don’t be stuck at your computer all day. When in the office, we’re often moving from one place to the next to go to meetings, visit someone’s cubicle or to grab a snack in the break room. Make sure you move when you’re at home too!

Stand up, stretch, step outside to grab the mail or just take a lap around your kitchen. Moving can help refresh your thoughts and gives you a break from constant screen usage.

Working from home is a change from the norm for many of us, but we can all try our best to make the transition as easy as possible. We hope these tips help you stay organized, productive and happy when working remotely.

Looking for more work from home resources? Find them here!